Synopsis: In 2018, Chieko Kase, a 90-year-old Japanese woman, passed away peacefully in her native country, surrounded by her family. At the age of 39, she moved to Paris with her husband, a famous karate master, and their two young daughters, where she lived for over half a century. Her life and mine had crossed paths in 2005, when I was 13, and since then I had always called her Mamie (French for “Granny”). We often ate together and talked about all sorts of things. We were like a grandmother and her granddaughter, but we were also good friends. But then Chieko was suddenly struck down by a cancer that was discovered in Japan, where she returned temporarily. It wasn’t easy for me to come to terms with this eternal loss without witnessing her final moments. Having decided to stay in Paris instead of going to her funeral, I set out to find traces of her life in this city, to mourn in my own way.